Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What the F*$K...

As you can tell by the name of this blog, there are just too many people running around committing fashion faux pas!  And when I say too many, I mean almost everyone.  So I started asking myself What the F*$K are these people wearing?  I mean did they not look in the mirror, someone let you walk out the house in that?  Or are they just fashion retards?  I mean whats not to get...it either matches or it doesn't, well there is always it flatters you are it doesn't...because I see a ton of people who believe their size...is a 2, when its really a 16..wowsers!  I mean be proud whatever your size, but atleast admit and wear your clothes to size.  No one and I mean no one wants to see all that! 
So from time to time I catch these people in the act and will be posting pics. ;)
Almost like "people of Walmart" and though I see a lot in there, these pics are from all over...will try to def post the location with them. 
So...I am asking America WHAT THE F#$K ARE U WEARING???

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